About Client

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) is an American trade association that represents the six major Hollywood studios. It was founded in 1922 as the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) to advance the business interests of its members.

Project Goals

The MPAA was looking for a new website that would allow them to bring the history of their organization, and their continued mission of representing movie studios and all the people who help make the movies we love possible.

Creative Solutions

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, but an interactive picture (infographic) is even more useful. We utilized a interactive infographic creation too called HYPE to feature things such as an office location map, a job creation tool, and a way for parents to better understand movie ratings for their kids. HYPE speeds up the development time immensely compared to custom-coding each infographic.

The MPAA knows people care a lot about what others think of the movies currently in the theater, so we worked with Rotten Tomatoes and their API to integrate an dynamically-updating list of movies that are currently in the theaters and to show their rating and how to learn more about each film.


  • Bootstrap
  • HYPE Infographics
  • jQuery
  • Responsive
  • Rotten Tomatoes API
  • Wordpress
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MPAA Project Images