Beauty for a Purpose
August 2015
Group SJR
About Client
Avon, the company for women, is a leading global beauty company, with $10 billion in annual revenue. As one of the world's largest direct sellers, Avon is sold through more than 6 million active independent Avon Sales Representatives. Avon products are available in over 100 countries, and the product line includes color cosmetics, skincare, fragrance, and fashion and home products, featuring such well-recognized brand names as Avon Color, ANEW, Skin-So-Soft and Advance Techniques.
Project Goals
Avon wanted to build a new website that features beauty tips, lifestyle advice and the ways that Avon helps empower women each day. We chose to build the site on Wordpress using a custom theme to make it easy for the editors to post new articles on an on-going basis.
Creative Solutions
Avon is very active on Instagram and wanted to feature their latest posts on the Beauty for a Purpose homepage. We used the Instagram API to dynamically pull in the latest images and their respective links, all updated automatically to serve up the latest images.